
The nine Regional Planning Commissions are governed and controlled by Boards ofCommissioners from member communities. Each Commissioner is nominated by theircommunity’s Planning Board and appointed by the elected Local Governing Body (Selectmen,City Council). Commissioners from municipalities serve as volunteers andrepresent the interests of their community and constituents. Municipalities may select residentswho are appointed or elected officials to be their representatives. Commissioners serve a termof four years and representation is based on each community’s population. Communitieswith a population of 10,000 or fewer persons have two (2) representatives on the Commission; A population of10,000 – 25,000 will have up to three (3) representatives; And a municipality with a population ofover 25,000 may have up to four (4) representatives. (Source: NH RSA 36:46 Formation of RPCs) 



Commissioners make up the overall governing body for SRPC and provide insight and guidance for its work.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee works with the Executive Director to oversee general administrative matters.

Policy Committee

The decision making body for transportation planning efforts.

Technical Advisory Committee

A committee that provides technical expertise and recommendations concerning transportation issues.

EDD Strategy Committee

A committee that provides technical expertise and recommendations concerning economic development issues.

Regional Impact Committee

A subcommittee of SRPC commissioners responsible for reviewing Developments of Regional Impact.

Resiliency Subcommittee

A subcommittee to inform proactive regional resiliency and adaptation planning.


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