Circuit Riding


Most New Hampshire municipalities have a dedicated Planning Board, but smaller communities may lack the financial resources or application volume to justify incorporating a full-time planner into their municipal staff. SRPC offers contracted support services to local land use boards as a way to provide this technical expertise on a temporary or part-time basis. The benefits of using a Circuit Rider include flexibility, cost control, and the ability to tap into the broader expertise of the RPC, its staff, and services.  

SRPC is prepared to offer these services as part of a circuit riding contract: 

  • Technical Reviews and Applicant Coordination: Technical support regarding applications made to a local land use board such as a Planning Board or ZBA. Includes consultations with applicants prior to application submission. SRPC will prepare a staff report to be distributed to the applicant and/or designated agent and land use board that includes an assessment of completeness to the Board, review of the application, plan updates, recommendation of action to the Board with conditions as applicable. Assistance to, correspondence with, or cooperation with technical/professional consultants or advisors by the Circuit Rider may be necessary during the review process.  SRPC will prepare Notices of Decision in coordination with municipal officials.   
  • Board Administration and Meeting Attendance: Working in coordination with municipal officials, SRPC will prepare meeting agendas, notices, and other general tasks as required.  The municipality will be responsible for distribution and posting of all notices. Includes attendance at regularly scheduled land use board meetings and hearings as requested, subject to SRPC personnel and leave policies. Services available for a variety of municipal boards and commissions, including but not limited to: Planning Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment, Technical Review Committee, Board of Selectmen,  and Conservation Commission.   
  • Regulation Development and Revisions: Updates to municipal zoning ordinances, site plan regulations, subdivision regulations, or other land use policies as requested by the municipality. Services include facilitating discussions with the Planning Board or other land use boards to build consensus for proposed changes, drafting ordinance language, preparation of adoption materials such as ballot language or reference maps, and performing related revisions to application forms or checklists.  
  • Master Plan Updates and Revisions: Includes working directly with the Planning Board to provide professional and technical assistance in updating an existing Master Plan or drafting new sections and amendments. 
  • Office Hours by Appointment: SRPC staff will be available to meet with applicants and town staff as needed. Meetings may be scheduled at municipal offices, the office of SRPC, or virtually.    
  • Access to expertise and specialties of all SRPC staff, including GIS services. 

Five municipalities in the Strafford region currently use a Circuit Rider from SRPC: 

  • Strafford – since 2021 
  • Wakefield – since 2021 
  • Nottingham – since 2019
  • Farmington – since 2019 
  • Northwood – since 2014 


Current Communities
