Climate Risk in the Seacoast: Assessing Vulnerability of Municipal Resources to Climate Change (C-RiSe)

High water levels on the Lamprey River in downtown Newmarket

The Climate Risk in the Seacoast: Assessing Vulnerability of Municipal Resources to Climate Change (C-RiSe) was carried out to assess impacts from climate change on infrastructure, natural resources, and other assets in ten coastal New Hampshire municipalities. Project components included:

  • Sea-level rise and storm surge inundation mapping | Water levels for sea-level rise and sea-level rise combined with storm surge scenarios were mapped for each coastal municipality.
  • Culvert analysis | Modeling was developed to assess culvert hydrology, hydraulic capacity, and aquatic organism passage at various flows under projected climatic conditions. Modeling results enabled municipalities to identify and categorize culverts for replacement that have inadequate flow capacity and/or present barriers to passage of aquatic organisms.
  • Vulnerability assessments | A vulnerability assessment that quantifies and maps impacts to transportation systems, critical facilities and infrastructure, and natural resources was conducted for each municipality in order to provide a broad overview of the potential risk and vulnerability of municipal assets and resources resulting from projected increases in storm surge, sea level, and precipitation.
  • Hazard mitigation planning | Outreach and technical assistance was provided to each municipality in order to inform municipal leaders about future flood risks and incorporate vulnerability assessment results and adaptation strategies into local planning efforts. Municipal vulnerability assessment reports were prepared for potential inclusion in local hazard mitigation plans.


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Logo for the C-RiSe project with transparent letters in front of a rocky coast with waves crashing

Project Info

Funded by: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office for Coastal Management
Start date: October 2015
End date: March 2017
  • Dover
  • Durham
  • Madbury
  • Newmarket
  • Rollinsford

Project Staff


New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) Coastal Program
University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center
Rockingham Planning Commission
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services