Nondiscrimination Plan

Mission Statement
Strafford Regional Planning Commission’s (SRPC) mission is to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act to ensure that no person is excluded from participation in, denied access to, or discriminated against in all planning activities based upon race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, sexual orientation, disability (whether mental or physical), or socioeconomic status. Compliance will ensure that no person is denied the benefits of any funded program. SRPC commits to provide meaningful engagement and involvement to all communities with respect to our programs, policies, and activities.

Strafford Regional Planning Commission Title VI Policy Statement
The Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act provides that “no person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, or national origin be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” Further legislation includes protections to citizens based upon age, gender, and disability, whether mental or physical. It is the policy and intention of SRPC to conduct all planning activities under this act and to ensure that no person is excluded from or denied the benefits of any program or activity receiving funding assistance. Furthermore, SRPC will ensure that its resources and activities are made accessible to the public, that all reasonable accommodations will be made to facilitate involvement, and that complaints of discrimination are dealt with accordingly


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Cover of the Nondiscrimination Plan featuring a graphic of four hand of different skin tones in a circle with an equal sign in the middle
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