Pavement Conditions


SRPC conducts pavement assessments and repair forecasting on local roads using UNH T2’s Road Surface Management Systems (RSMS) program. RSMS is a data collection process that falls within the Statewide Asset Data Exchange System (SADES). In the first phase of the process, SRPC staff assess roads for pavement cracking, drainage, and other conditions to create an inventory of current road conditions. In the second phase, SADES software scores the road sections with a pavement condition index (PCI) score, allowing municipal highway departments to establish a timeline for any repairs that may be required and create budgets. SRPC conducts RSMS assessments at the request of municipalities. For dues-paying municipalities who have not had an RSMS assessment conducted by SRPC, the assessment is covered with the municipality’s dues. For dues-paying municipalities who have had an RSMS assessment conducted by SRPC, or for non-dues-paying municipalities, this assessment can be completed under contract.


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