

SRPC staff poses with outreach posters at Dover Apple Harvest Day

SRPC integrates outreach and engagement with all of its projects. Gathering feedback from residents, municipal staff and volunteers, partners and other stakeholders is essential when planning for the future of the Stafford region.

SRPC staff enjoy coming up with innovation outreach strategies to reach a variety of audiences. Common outreach techniques included digital and paper surveys, sticky dot exercises, visual preference surveys, creative exercises and graphic renderings to envision the future, attendance at community events, meetings, and many other approaches.

Interactive Activities

Pictured below are some examples of interactive outreach activities created by SRPC staff. Click each image to learn more.


Over the past few year, SRPC has begun to explore video production as a way to reach and engage with citizens, municipal officials and volunteers, partners and other stakeholders. Below are a few examples. Click the title to open the video in Youtube, or hit the large play button and use the enlarge icon to watch the video in full screen mode.


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