Master Plans
SRPC offers support to its municipalities that elect to develop a new master plan or update an existing master plan. SRPC can offer data and statistics that provide regional context for environmental, housing, or transportation trends. SRPC can write sections of the plan, or in some cases will write the entire chapter, where a municipality lacks the resources to do so. SRPC has also created supplemental plans in the past, such as conservation plans, “Smart Growth” checklists, and housing assessments at the municipal scale. SRPC also has Geographic Information Systems (GIS) capabilities to create supporting documents and geospatial representations of data.

SRPC worked with the City of Dover on its Arts and Culture master plan chapter in 2019. This updated chapter addresses public art, which wasn’t included in the 2009 iteration. SPRC staff worked closely with the planning and recreation departments, in addition to a steering committee. The process involved an extensive outreach campaign with an online survey, and attendance at four community events. The outcome, an adopted plan, has key implementation items for the City to focus on over the next several years.