Active Transportation


Parents walking with their children bike riding on Silver Street in Dover

Active transportation is any self-propelled, human-powered mode of transportation, such as walking, bicycling. rollerblading, and using a wheelchair. In its Metropolitan Transportation Plan, SRPC prioritizes active transportation through several goals, including:

  • Increase accessibility to alternative modes of transportation.  
  • Increase safety for non-motorized modes of transportation. 
  • Keep public roads in good condition.  
  • Increase adoption of alternative transportation modes to reduce wear and tear on roads. 
  • Reduce the number of crashes involving non-motorized users and build safer streets where bicycle and pedestrian activity is high.  
  • Improve linkages to existing intercity bus and rail service for pedestrians, cyclists, and local transit. 
  • Support the development of walkable community centers that promote local businesses and create a sense of place.
  • Support coordination of affordable housing development with public transit and multimodal transportation improvements 
  • Improve accessibility for non-motorized modes, especially in areas with low income and limited transportation options 

In order to further plan for active transportation in the Strafford region, SRPC began to build its bike and pedestrian program in late 2021. This will be an ongoing program, as a function of the Metropolitan Planning Organization, with a first iteration of an active transportation plan being completed in Fiscal Year 2023. As a first outreach opportunity SRPC launched a public input survey in Spring 2022. SRPC kicks off its steering committee to inform the draft plan in November 2022.

Upcoming Meeting(s)

Bike/Ped Steering Committee Meeting #2 – Thursday, Feb. 16 from 11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. via Zoom.


