RFQ – Technical Services to Develop a Nitrogen Control Plan – November 2023


SRPC is soliciting proposals from QEPs with proven expertise in the development of nitrogen control plans and the preparation of non-point source total nitrogen adaptive management plans that comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Great Bay Total Nitrogen General Permit. Additionally, QEPs should have first-hand knowledge of the level of detail required in the nitrogen control plans, the project experience to leverage their existing work, and the technical expertise to ensure that Milton develops a plan that is implementable and adaptable to their needs.

SRPC has a modest amount of funding available to hire a QEP to assist with selected project tasks and sub-tasks. The QEP will work under the direction of SRPC staff and collaborate with Milton staff and its partners to provide technical advice or services to complete the selected tasks.


November 3, 2023         Request for Qualifications release

November 10, 2023       Deadline for submittal of questions on this RFQ (5:00 p.m.)

November 17, 2023       Questions and answers digest distributed to Proposers and posted to www.strafford.org

December 8, 2023         Deadline for receipt of qualification packages to this RFQ (5:00 p.m.)

January 5, 2023             Anticipated final selection of QEP and notification to all firms. SRPC reserves the right to conduct interviews with selected teams. The decision to conduct interviews may affect the specified timeline.


Date Posted


Submission Deadline

12/08/2023 5:00 pm





Question 1: Clarify as to what you see as a likely [percentage] % breakdown of the Level of Effort between the SRPC vs the QEP.
Answer: Based off projects with a similar scope of work, we anticipate that the approximate breakdown will be a 70/30 split between the selected consultant and SRPC, with 70% of the workload being the responsibility of the QEP and the remaining 30% to SRPC.

Question 2: Based on the tasks listed in Table 2 (schedule) identifies the QEP has the lead for Tasks 2, 3, 4, and 5 – would this mean that the QEP would be doing the majority of the work or would SRPC also be performing certain aspects of these tasks?
Answer: While we expect this to be a collaborative process, the QEP will be responsible for most of the technical work, including but not limited to data collection, modeling work, and the development of the nitrogen plan, which will include establishing baseline nonpoint source nitrogen levels, conducting a load reduction analysis, and developing nitrogen control measures. SRPC will be responsible for general project management, including but not limited to project team coordination, organization of project team meetings, and administrative tasks such as reporting and invoicing. Additionally, SRPC staff will review the nitrogen control plan and provide feedback on planning-related implementation actions (i.e., land use regulations, ordinances, engagement activities, etc.).

Final Results

Geosyntect was selected