RFP – Online Transportation Project Management Platform


The 4 New Hampshire Metropolitan Planning Organizations – Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC), Nashua Regional Planning Commission (NRPC), Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission (SNHPC), and Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) – are cooperatively seeking proposals for an online, interactive project management platform for regional transportation planning as part of their Metropolitan Planning Organization processes.

Proposals must be received by 5:00 PM EST on May 31, 2024. Address all proposals to:

Colin Lentz

Sr. Transportation Planner

Strafford Regional Planning Commission

150 Wakefield St, Suite 12

Rochester, NH 03867

email to clentz@strafford.org.

Any questions regarding this RFP may be addressed to Colin Lentz via email at clentz@strafford.org. Strafford Regional Planning Commission will maintain a list of questions and answers along with the RFP on the SRPC website at www.strafford.org. Questions will be accepted until May 17, 2024. Answers to all questions received will be posted to the Strafford RPC website by May 21, 2024 to ensure that all parties have adequate time to review them. Applicants will be notified of selection results no later than June 21, 2024.

Date Posted


Submission Deadline

05/31/2024 5:00 pm





Question 1.

When is the anticipated start date for this project? What is the ideal
completion/go-live date for the MPOs?


I wish I could give you specific, ideal start and launch dates. Ideally, we would
have a system in place in time to begin the update to the Statewide
Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), which includes the four regional
MPO Transportation Improvement Programs. The start of that update process is
weirdly dependent on the state legislature and other things out of our control.
However, I can give you the general timeline based on the past round:
1. The New Hampshire Department of Transportation should begin work on
the STIP update around August. We MPOs don’t anticipate seeing the first
draft of the STIP before mid-September. It would be ideal to have a new
system in place and ready to import that draft STIP.
2. MPOs review the draft STIP and address any questions with NHDOT up
through December.
3. The MPO public comment periods all should be wrapping up around mid-
February, after which we send our approvals to NHDOT.
4. We would certainly like to “launch” the public-facing system when we
publish our approved TIPs in that mid-February timeframe.
Again, it would be amazing to begin the STIP update process with a new system
in place. This will likely not be before mid-September. Past conversations with
Nadia gave us confidence we could also transition to the new system in the
middle of the process.

Question 2.

What are the state contract requirements referred to in the Administration
section of the RFP document?


Federal Highway Administration folks requested that we put that language in the
RFP. It is in reference to our position as sub-recipients of federal transportation
planning funds. The relevant requirement is that we receive approval from
NHDOT before entering into any sub-contract using our federal funds. We
developed the RFP with NHDOT so they are on-board. We enter sub-contracts
with them all the time. I can provide a specific reference if you wish.


Final Results