RFQ – Newmarket Riverfront Project Scoping


The Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) seeks engineering assistance to prepare planning levels scopes, budgets and phasing for four shoreline projects included within the Town of Newmarket’s Downtown Riverfront Master Plan Chapter.

The four projects to be scoped include:

  1. Stormwater treatment Best Management Practice (BMP) at the Schanda Park parking area.
  2. Upgrade the existing boat launch at Schanda Park.
  3. Address water quality issues and channel stabilization in Moonlight Brook.
  4. Shoreline stabilization at the existing Creighton Street Pump Station and/or at Shanda Park.

The objective is to provide the Town with additional details on these four priority projects to better inform the Master Plan’s implementation schedule and set the town up for future success.

The full Request can be viewed here: Request for Quotes Details

Submittal: Quotes must be received prior to 4:30 PM on Friday March 21, 2025. Submittals shall be sent by email to Megan Taylor-Fetter at mtaylorfetter@strafford.org with the subject line “Newmarket RFQ”. Late submissions will not be considered.

Date Posted


Submission Deadline

03/21/2025 4:30 pm





Question 1: Is the $16,000 limit for the four projects combined?

  • Answer: Yes. This scope of work is intended to be a starting point. The Town’s intent is to apply for another round of grant funding to further develop these and/or other projects identified in the master plan process. These four projects represent those that have risen as priorities for further exploration and scoping.

Question 2: Grant Deadline is June 30, 2025. When do summary memos for each project need to be submitted in order to finalize and submit fund release prior to grant deadline?

  • Answer: Final work products can be delivered up to and until the grant deadline of June 30, 2025.  A final invoice is required by noon on July 8, 2025 to process the final payment.

Question 3:Can proposal be 5 sheets – double sided? Does the cover sheet count?

  • Answer: The submission is digital and respondents are asked to keep their submittals brief. Attachments such as cover sheets and resumes will not count toward the 5-page maximum.

Final Results