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SRPC will be closed on Thursday July 4, 2024. The office will be closed, with some staff available by email, on Friday July 5, 2024. 

Living in Somersworth: a Housing Plan for the City

Dense housing in Somersworth NH
Project Update

Housing Survey: Take the Somersworth Housing Survey! The City created a survey to assess housing needs, challenges and opportunities. The survey closed on August 4th. Many thanks to everyone who participated! The results will help is shape the Community Housing Workshop and the final Housing Chapter.

Community Housing Workshop: The Somersworth Community Housing Workshop was held on Thursday, September 14th from 5-8:30pm at the Blackbox Theater at the High School (18 Cemetery Road in Somersworth). Check out the Agenda and Map that included:

* Food!

* Keynote addresses from Nick Taylor, Executive Director from the Seacoast Workforce Housing Coalition and Jen Czysz, Executive Director of Strafford Regional Planning Commission

* Interactive booths including the Somersworth Housing Authority, Community Action Partnership of Strafford County, and Historic District Commission.

* Breakout discussions on housing for young and older adults, accessory dwelling units, affordable and workforce housing and other important housing topics

* Childcare Room with kids’ activities 

The presentations from the event have been posted. Check them out here!


Project Overview

The City of Somersworth received a grant to embark on a new Housing Chapter for their Master Plan update. In May 2022, SRPC began working with the City to define tasks, a timeline and approach for engaging the community to explore the needs, challenges and opportunities for addressing existing housing issues and how to create new housing the fits the needs of current and future residents.

This project included a survey for both residents and employers which was open until July 28th, an in-person Community Forum on September 14th, and several Planning Board workshops to finalize the goals and actions associated with the Chapter October 2023), present the final Chapter (February 2024) and discuss the Audit findings (April 2024). When the Housing Chapter is complete, SRPC will conduct an audit of zoning ordinance and other regulations to determine where there are barriers and opportunities to achieve the goals and recommendations in the Housing Chapter. The community will also be engaged in this effort. Please check back regularly for additional opportunities to participate!

This webpage will provide project overviews, opportunities for engagement and other resources associated with the Housing Chapter and Audit and is complimentary to the City’s Housing Chapter webpage. Please check back regularly here, visit Somersworth’s webpage or connect with Anna Stockman, City Planner, at for more information.




City of Somersworth Logo

Project Info

Funded by: InvestNH Housing Opportunities Program Grant
Start date: May 2023
End date: January 2024
  • Somersworth

Project Staff


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