Resilient Land Use Guide for NH

Resilient Land Use Guide logo featuring a graphic of a wave

The project, funded from a grant from a Local Sourcewater Protection Program received by the Rockingham Planning Commission, is intended to develop a user-friendly land use guide with regard to model regulations, land development standards, and resource protection to inform municipal climate change adaptation and resilience actions. The guide facilitates adoption of recommended best practices by local decision makers using current science, policy recommendations, and other guidance. Implementation of these regulations and standards will be supported by ready to use products (e.g. models and case studies) and provide multiple mechanisms for long-term adoption success and tracking. The guide is intended to address adaptation and resilience issues and priorities in all coastal municipalities. The project also intends to develop a framework for a regional sustainability and resiliency program (including a funding concept) as the long-term strategy to implement recommendations, and more broadly to increase the capacity of coastal municipalities to adapt and thrive given the challenges posed by climate change.

View the final products via our partners at Rockingham Planning Commission.


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Resilient Land Use Guide logo featuring a graphic of a wave

Project Info

Funded by: New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Local Sourcewater Protection Program
Start date: March 2021
End date: June 2022
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Project Staff


Rockingham Planning Commission