New Durham Environmental Overlay District Revisions

Revisions to New Durham’s overlay district are being made to implement recommendations of the 2020 Piscataqua Region Environmental Planning Assessment (PREPA). Key recommendations included increasing buffer strip regulations and buffer setback regulations for buildings, septic systems, and impermeable surfaces on or near 1st-4th order streams to 100 feet in New Durham’s other water protection overlay districts. These include the Water Quality Protection Overlay District, the Aquifer Overlay District, and the Open Space Conservation Subdivision. SRPC’s involvement is funded by a 2021 Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP) Environmental Planning Assessment Grant to provide technical assistance to increase shoreland protection by reviewing the proposed revisions to the Shorefront Conservation Overlay District to ensure the protection of waterbodies in the town. Recommendations will be informed by members of the steering committee and community stakeholders with the goal of increasing protection of New Durham’s water resources. Public input sessions will be scheduled through January 2022. The project is set to conclude in the spring of 2022.
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Project Info
- New Durham
Project Staff