Milton and Rollinsford Stormwater Regulation Updates

A grant from the NHDES Local Sourcewater Protection Program provided funding for SRPC, in partnership with the Towns of Milton and Rollinsford, to conduct regulatory audits on local stormwater management regulations – placing a stronger emphasis on construction site and stormwater runoff control. Recommended updates were intended to conform to minimum control measure requirements and provide support for conducting stormwater best management practices. This project provided decision-makers with necessary information and guidance to effectively regulate land uses by controlling non-point pollution from future development, mitigating, and reducing non-point and stormwater pollution, and managing the quality and quantity of surface water and groundwater sources. SRPC used the “Model Stormwater Standards for Coastal Watershed Communities” and “Post Construction Stormwater Management Standards” from the Southeast Watershed Alliance, as well as requirements of the MS4 permit in conducting their review. Project outcomes included regulatory updates that support implementation of best management practices for stormwater management.
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Project Info
- Milton |
- Rollinsford
Project Staff