Granite State Future

SRPC staffers conduct outreach to assess regional priorities at a community event in Newmarket

SRPC took part in the statewide Granite State Future (GSF) project between 2012 and 2015, in conjunction with the other eight regional planning commissions in the state. Funded through a HUD Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant, GSF was a community-based program starting with a public dialogue about the future of our communities, our regions, and our state, and culminated in nine updated regional master plans.

SRPC completed an extensive outreach process, collecting over 3,300 comments at over 25 different events, and analyzed all municipal master plans in the region to inform “Local Solutions for the Strafford Region.” This advisory document provides a regional snapshot and advisory recommendations in a variety of topic areas (transportation, environment, housing, etc.) through its core document and technical appendices.


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Logo for the Granite State Future project featuring the outline of the state of New Hampshire

Project Info

Start date: May 2012
End date: January 2015
  • All

Project Staff


Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission
Southwest Region Planning Commission
Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission
Rockingham Planning Commission
North Country Council
Nashua Regional Planning Commission
Lakes Region Planning Commission
Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission