Farmington Route 11 Corridor Study

Due to the current housing crisis, many individuals are left without safe, affordable, and accessible housing. Farmington has the lowest median household income in the SRPC region at $63,676 as of 2020, with 26.42% of residents defined as being low low-income. Development pressures continue to rise as housing demand continues to outpace supply. However, construction costs are also increasing as materials are hard to ship and buy. The Town currently has many undeveloped land areas and open spaces including along the Route 11 corridor which is not being utilized to its full potential. So what can be done?
In spring 2023, the Town of Farmington applied for and received an InvestNH Housing Opportunities Program Grant to address these challenges. Focusing on the Route 11 corridor, the Town hired SRPC as the primary consultant to work with several subconsultants to conduct a comprehensive audit, identify barriers, and make recommendations for any necessary regulatory changes. Along with the audit they will conduct a land use needs assessment which will include:
- A GIS (Geographic Information Systems) analysis of the corridor and adjacent parcels;
- Opportunities for natural resource and/or recreation connections;
- Access management and other transportation considerations;
- Infrastructure connections and improvements; and
- Zoning and other regulatory update recommendations.
The development of an existing conditions report will include a visual representation of Route 11 corridor. The final report will include an overview of the potential outcomes of different housing typologies appropriate for the Farmington area.
Community engagement is an important component of this project. SRPC will work with the subconsultants to conduct a survey, provide monthly Planning Board updates on the project, and conduct several, timely workshops with the Planning Board at key intervals. Please check back and follow SRPC on Facebook and LinkedIn to learn about the community engagement opportunities for this important and timely project.
Project Updates
On October 25, 2023, the Town of Farmington organized a presentation on the state’s Economic Revitalization Zone (ERZ) Program. The presentation was recorded for participants and stakeholders to review afterwards. If you have any questions about the ERZ program and how it benefits Farmington, please reach out to Kyle Pimental, Farmington Planning Director, at
On Wednesday, November 29th from 5-8pm at the Old Town Hall (531 Main Street, Farmington) the Town held a Community Workshop to discuss current and future land uses along the Route 11 Corridor in Farmington. The Workshop presented the results of the market analysis and audit assessment. The presentation can be found in the document section below and the final report with the findings from the analysis and regulatory audit can found in the document section below. Stay tuned for more opportunities to get involved in this project coming soon!
There are no maps yet.
Project Info
- Farmington
Project Staff