Durham Permeable Reactive Barrier

The Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) Installation Project was funded through a grant from the NHDES Watershed Assistance Program in 2018 and was included as part of the Oyster River Watershed Management Plan Implementation, Phase II. The project team, comprised of SRPC staff, Rockingham County Conservation District, and Haley & Aldrich, facilitated collaboration between municipal and private landowners to plan and install a permeable reactive barrier at a suitable site. PRBs can control nitrogen with a formulation of wood chips, additives, and sand or gravel to transform inorganic nitrogen to nitrogen gas. Once a site was selected (a residential home off Durham Point Road) and permissions granted, the project team installed several groundwater wells and began multiple rounds of pre-installation monitoring. Installation is set to begin in the fall of 2021 once baseline sampling is completed, and all necessary local and state permits are obtained. Following installation, the project team will carry out four rounds of post-installation groundwater and surface water quality sampling and analysis. The project will conclude with dissemination of final outreach materials to provide information to the public.
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Project Info
- Durham
Project Staff