Collaborative Approach to Performance Based Planning

The Collaborative Approach to Performance Based Planning project was led by SRPC. It was a collaborative effort of the four New Hampshire Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT), New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES), FHWA, FTA, and a non-metropolitan planning commission. The group worked together to create performance measures that address the shift toward performance-based planning emphasized by MAP-21 and the FAST Act and shared resources in preparing the first round of required transportation performance measures.

The project was funded through FHWA’s PlanWorks initiative. This project allowed the MPOs to collaborate productively with State and Federal partners, maximizing efficiency and capacity throughout implementing a new federal requirement for performance based planning in transportation. Through this project, the workgroup successfully developed a long-term framework for collaboration that the MPOs have continued to utilize through the ongoing Partnering for Performance NH group.


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Logo for Partnering for Performance NH where the outline of the state of NH is used as the absent space in the letter "p"

Project Info

Funded by: Federal Highway Administration Strategic Highway Research Program 2
End date: September 2017
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Project Staff


Southwest Region Planning Commission
Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission
Rockingham Planning Commission
New Hampshire Department of Transportation
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Nashua Regional Planning Commission
Federal Transit Administration
Federal Highway Administration
Partnering for Performance NH