Barrington Housing Master Plan Chapter 2023

The Town of Barrington received a grant under the InvestNH program to embark on an updated Housing Chapter for their Master Plan. SRPC has partnered with the Town to provide consulting services for this project. The project commenced in May 2023 when SRPC began working with the Town to define tasks, timeline and approach for engaging the community to explore the needs, challenges and opportunities to address existing housing issues. The project explores the current housing and demographics of Barrington and will discuss options to create new housing that fits the needs of current and future residents. A Barrington Housing Committee has been formed to assist with the project.
This project includes a housing and demographics survey, a Community Forum, and a Barrington Housing Committee workshop to determine the goals and actions associated with the chapter.
This webpage will provide project overviews, opportunities for engagement and other resources associated with the Housing Chapter. Please check back regularly on this page for updates.
Opportunities to Provide Feedback
The Town of Barrington wants to hear from you, its residents and business owners, as it updates its Master Plan. Your feedback is important and will be integrated into the update to the housing master plan chapter.
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There are no maps yet.
Project Info
- Barrington
Project Staff
There are no partners on this project.