Mapping and GIS

About GIS

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are systems used for storing, analyzing, and visualizing geographic information.  In modern usage, GIS specifically refers to a computerized system that allows the user to conduct detailed spatial analyses, visualize proximity and location, and produce maps that cover any spatial extent.  GIS can act as a powerful tool for many planning purposes.

GIS is not a substitute for surveyors or surveys and there is always a risk that showing different data layers that were made for different purposes can lead to a perception that the data shows one thing, when it might actually be an error inherent in the data that misleads the user.  GIS should always be understood to be a tool to help guide decisions, not a final decision in and of itself.


With mapping and spatial analytics being critical tools in the planning world, SRPC leverages a suite of software packages to reliably inform our clients and stakeholders.  We use ESRI’s ArcGIS software for most of our GIS work, augmented with a variety of extensions and software packages that complement the ESRI software.  Analyses are varied and our maps cover a broad range of topics, but for a reasonable start on what we can do, please see our Standard Maps and our ArcOnline Map Gallery.

At SRPC, GIS is used in contract work for state agencies, municipalities, and other organizations.  It is also used to provide map and data assistance to staff planners and in providing local technical assistance to member community governments.  If you are an individual or an organization looking for GIS services, please view our Map Request Form or contact our GIS Planner.

GIS Services

SRPC provides a variety of GIS Services, summarized below.  This is not a complete list of our GIS capabilities.  Please contact the GIS Planner if you would like to learn more about how we can contribute to your GIS needs.
