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Technical Advisory Committee (Zoom only)

February 4, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 am

TAC chair Bruce Woodruff has declared a state of emergency allowing SRPC to hold its meeting without a quorum physically present. Please see the language below.

Under RSA 91-A:2 III (b) The chair is waiving the requirement of a quorum at the physical location of the meeting.

Whereas, in order to ensure an uninterrupted flow of federal transportation funding to the region, Strafford MPO must act on Amendment 3 to the Transportation Improvement Program and Safety Performance Targets.

Whereas, the committee chair has decided that immediate action is imperative and the physical presence of a quorum is not reasonably practical within the period of time requiring action due to the ongoing pandemic and impending inclement weather.

Whereas, this constitutes an “emergency” per RSA 91A: 2 II.

Therefore, the Strafford MPO TAC will invoke this emergency provision and waive requirement for a quorum at the physical location of the meeting

View the remote access information below.

Meeting URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81973155450

Meeting ID: 819 7315 5450

Telephone-only Access: +1 646 558 8656

These instructions have also been provided at www.strafford.org. If anybody is unable to access the meeting, please email mtaylorfetter@strafford.org or call 603-994-3500 (x115).

Meeting Materials

Download the TAC Meeting Packet – February 4, 2022

Please check the Meeting Materials Archive to view the final minutes after they are approved at the next meeting.




Colin Lentz