Sunrise Lake Watershed Management Plan

The Sunrise Lake Watershed Management Plan describes water quality conditions, watershed characteristics, and sources of phosphorus loading to Sunrise Lake; plus, identifies actions to improve the lake’s water quality. The plan establishes water quality goals, outlines nutrient management approaches, and describes management actions for meeting water quality improvement goals.

The plan summarizes previous studies, water quality data, watershed survey information, and phosphorus loading modeling output. The plan incorporates this information into actions and recommendations for reducing pollutant loading to the lake. The goals of the Sunrise Lake Watershed Management Plan are:

• Identify and quantify sources of phosphorus loading to the lake
• Establish a water quality goal for the lake
• Identify management actions to reduce phosphorus loading

The adaptive management approach described in the plan enables project partners to conduct restoration activities in a responsive manner; however, the plan recognizes that improvements in water quality cannot be achieved with a single restoration action or within an immediate timeframe. Implementation of this pro-active approach ensures that as management activities are conducted, water quality response is monitored, and success is documented.


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Cover of the Sunrise Lake Watershed Management Plan featuring an image of a beach at sunrise lake
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