SRPC 2023-2026 TIP

Approved on February 17, 2023


The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is the list of the regional transportation projects that are receiving funding in the nearest four years of the state Ten Year Plan. The years included in the TIP are adjusted in a TIP Update every two years. SRPC regularly manages and tracks funding changes for projects in the TIP each month, in cooperation with NHDOT and other state and federal agencies. This cooperative process is specifically designed to maintain public transparency and ensure regional participation in statewide decision-making.

All transportation projects receiving federal funding must be listed in the TIP, and the TIP must be consistent with SRPC’s Metropolitan Transportation Plan.

Most projects in the TIP move through the Ten Year Plan, but sometimes projects are added directly to the TIP without going through the Ten Year Plan process. This happens if funding becomes available through competitive grant programs that fund specific types of projects (such as bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure).


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