Performance Measures
Performance measures are a quantitative method to track progress toward an established goal. Performance-based planning allows money, energy, and time to be spent effectively, addressing real problems, and it allows for a much more sensitive and responsive planning process. Rather than guess how something has worked, we can look at the data and the objective, and if it is clear that something is not reaching its target, then we can develop projects to fix it.
Performance measures are important tools in many planning processes. SRPC is required to track a number of transportation performance measures for FHWA and FTA.
The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) was passed in 2012 and mandates all Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) to adopt a performance-based approach to planning. States and MPOs use performance measures to prioritize investments and establish targets to track the effectiveness of those investments in reaching performance goals. There are a range of federally mandated performance measures to address federal goals. For example, the number and rate of fatalities and serious injuries, the condition of road pavement and bridges, and the reliability of highway travel. SRPC sets targets in coordination with NHDOT and partner MPOs. New Hampshire’s four MPO also developed several supplemental performance measures to complement the mandated measures.
Federal Highway performance areas:
- Safety
- Infrastructure condition
- Congestion reduction
- System reliability
- Freight movement and economic vitality
- Environmental sustainability
- Reduced project delivery delays
Federal Transit Performance areas:
- Condition of Rolling Stock (transit system vehicles)
- Condition of Equipment
- Condition of Facilities
- Condition of Infrastructure (refers to rail tracks)
The Public Participation Plan (PPP) outlines the strategy and goals of SRPC for engaging members of the public in the Strafford region and ensuring their fair and equitable representation in transportation initiatives. The PPP tracks SRPC’s performance in various outreach methods including social media, e-communications, MPO committee meetings, and surveys.
The full list of PPP performance measures includes:
- Number of people receiving e-communication, including the SRPC newsletter, Bits and Pieces, Planning Board updates, press releases, and others;
- Number of social media posts, including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook;
- Number of social media followers;
- Number of informational transportation presentations made, not including Technical Advisory and Policy Committee meetings;
- Number of outreach events held;
- Number of public notices and requests for comment;
- Number of responses to surveys;
- Number of guests attending Technical Advisory, Policy, and Executive Committee meetings;
- Number of external committee meetings attended;
- Number of external articles, posts, and links shared through Constant Contact;
- Percentage of Technical Advisory, Policy, and Executive Committee meetings that have a quorum.