RFQ – Technical Services in Development of Milton Three Ponds Watershed Plan


Strafford Regional Planning Commission is soliciting proposals from Qualified Environmental Professionals (QEPs) with proven expertise performing watershed planning to provide guidance for selected tasks related to the development of a watershed management plan for Milton Three Ponds. The partnership formed to lead this project comprises a diverse group, with a wide range of relevant backgrounds and skills, and who are committed to performing much of the required work themselves; however, completion of a select subset of watershed analyses and planning tasks require services of a QEP working collaboratively with the project partners.

Submissions are due by 5:00 PM, Monday June 17, 2024. Complete submittals should be sent by email in digital format (PDF or Microsoft Word) to Lisa Murphy, SRPC Senior Regional Planner, at lmurphy@Strafford.org with subject line: Milton Three Ponds RFQ. A complete and timely submittal as described in this RFQ is required in order to be considered.

Date Posted


Submission Deadline

06/17/2024 5:00 pm





Question 1: Will the lake loading response model be specified by the SRPC, or will it be determined by the QEP?

Answer: The lake loading response model used will be presented by the QEP and approved by SRPC.

Question 2: What is the estimated QEP budget range for this project?

Answer: The budget set for the work is in the range of $58,000 to $64,500.


Final Results